Day 31 I wake up when I hear the crying. It isn’t Durene. She sleeps beside me, or rather, slightly apart from me on the floor of her cottage. Even though we’re close, we sleep a bit apart. Durene sometimes rolls over in her sleep, and I have no desire to be squished like […]
September 5, 2017
Yvlon Byres knew the answer before they said it. She was not a silver-tongued socialite, but she had learned to read people’s eyes as a child. She had learned to dance with words before she had picked up a sword. Of course, she’d left that world behind to become an adventurer, but some things never […]
September 2, 2017
Ryoka Griffin stood on the top of a snow-covered hill, facing the wind. Her arms were spread out, and she raised her head as the cold winter winds blew around her. The snow-flecked breeze tugged at her light clothing, a shirt and loose leggings, wholly inappropriate for the season. But the young woman paid no […]
3.08 H
August 29, 2017
She woke up quietly, without screaming. Ceria opened her eyes and sat up. She was in pain, but she didn’t cry out. She just took a deep, wavering breath in the silence of the pit and knew she was alive. Her skin felt burnt. Not just burnt; damaged. The heat from above had cooked her […]
3.07 H
August 26, 2017
“We are fragments of the past, Ceria Springwalker. That is all we are.” Ceria sat on her great-grandmother’s lap and looked up. The small cottage was covered in hanging herbs, braids of garlic—every time she breathed in, a myriad of spices tickled her nose. She sneezed, and her great-grandmother sighed. “No one has told you […]
3.06 L
August 22, 2017
Pawn knew he had to return to the Hive after leaving the inn. He knew that. But he found the food Lyonette had given him was disagreeing with his stomach a bit. It must have been the eggs. Antinium didn’t usually experience food poisoning, but that didn’t meant they couldn’t get sick. Therefore, Pawn decided […]
1.01 D
August 21, 2017
“Bring in the next patient!” Geneva snapped at the soldiers who had been assigned to her. They lurched into motion, slowly, too slowly. But they were injured as well; it was the only reason they hadn’t been sent back on the front lines. One man was limping; the other had taken a hatchet to the […]
1.00 D
August 20, 2017
She owned a hamster, once. That was the reason she’d wanted to be a doctor. She found other reasons later, but the day she decided to learn to heal people was when she sat in the garden outside her house and tried to hold her dying friend together. Normally, she would want to be a […]
3.05 L
August 19, 2017
The day after Ryoka’s encounter with Persua and the day before everything else happened, a [Message] was sent to Celum addressed to Ryoka and Erin. Two spells, actually. They were duly recorded and when Ryoka remembered to stop by the Mage’s Guild, they were delivered to both girls at the counter with no incident. Erin […]
August 15, 2017
When I came down with Ivolethe on my shoulder Erin freaked out. “Oh my god! A faerie!” She doesn’t do subtle. As every eye turns to me I glance at Ivolethe. The small fairy is just sitting on my shoulder, looking around with keen interest. She’s not even that cold; she’s definitely part ice, but […]
August 12, 2017
Some call me a messenger. Others call me a barefoot runner. And crazy. Some call me a deliverer…of messages. A few people know me as [batman]. I think of myself as reasonably sane, but most people disagree. They have a lot of names for someone like me. But the little monster blocking my way just […]
3.02 H
August 8, 2017
Ceria Springwalker stared down at her skeletal hand and for a brief moment, wondered what would happen if she cast [Ice Spike] at point blank range at her face. She’d probably die instantly; in the worst case scenario the shard would lodge in her flesh and brain but fail to kill her. It was just […]
3.01 E
August 5, 2017
Day 13 I am an [Emperor]. That is fact. But I don’t know what it means. After an entire day of speculation and worry, Durene has no more answers for me. Myself, I’m just content to find out. I guess it’s because of my class that Durene is freaking out so much. To me, […]
3.00 E
August 1, 2017
I don’t dream of seeing. But I do dream of adventures. I think every boy does, and I never forgot that dream even when I grew older. Yet it’s one thing to imagine being transported into another dimension or to another world, and quite another thing if it actually happens. Upon reflection, I think I […]
July 29, 2017
Rags sat astride a huge Carn Wolf and saw a dream. It was one every Goblin had likely dreamed at some point in their lives. It was a wish, a vision for bad nights and when their bellies were swollen with hunger or the Goblins lay bleeding from their injuries, trying to sleep. They dreamed […]
July 25, 2017
Ryoka knew that she didn’t have the same sense of normality she used to have. Her reactions to things like monsters and magic had been tempered by her experiences in this world, and she could look at Goblins and magic spells without batting an eyelid. And of course Erin and Octavia were both independent young […]
July 22, 2017
I sit on the ground and laugh. Hysterically. I thought I’d never be hysterical, but now I guess I am. Let’s recap. I’m sitting on the ground in the center of a cavern filled with magical treasures. The floor is smooth marble; magelight fills the room. Valuable treasures lie scattered around like afterthoughts, and a […]
July 18, 2017
As Erin Solstice sat with the [Alchemist] named Octavia in a warm room in the city of Celum, another girl ran through the snow far to the south. She had been running for a long time—before Erin had even woken up, in truth, but she ran on with wild abandon. Most runners conserved their energy; […]
July 15, 2017
The continent of Izril had been changed by winter. The cold snows had buried the green hills and fauna, and turned the world white and cold. And just north of the famous High Passes and the climbable mountains, the world had grown desolate. A large field had been covered by snow, and it was here […]
July 11, 2017
That night Erin cooked up a storm. She had far more visitors than usual; Drakes and Gnolls came into her inn in large groups, mainly to eat something quick after a day of playing in the snow. Erin was only too happy to put her skills to the test. And it did seem like [Advanced […]
July 8, 2017
She was a [Princess]. She was royalty. She was heir to one of the glorious kingdoms of Terrandria, and she had seen more in her eighteen years of life than most commoners could hope of glimpsing in their entire lives. And she understood people. People were dreary, dull, and most had small ambitions and smaller […]
July 4, 2017
Because she woke up early, Erin decided to make gravy. Everyone else was still asleep, anyways. Ryoka and Mrsha were upstairs, but Erin had had too much trouble trying to drag Klbkch and Selys up the narrow staircase, so she’d left them in the common room with a blanket and pillows instead. It was easy […]
July 1, 2017
Erin woke up to the sound of snuffling. She opened her eyes fast; when you hear something large and unfamiliar moving around your face, sleep tends to be a lesser concern. To Erin’s relief she wasn’t being attacked by mutant caterpillar pig monsters. Instead, she saw Mrsha, the small white-furred Gnoll rooting around her cupboards. […]
June 27, 2017
She slept on the way back. Somehow, Erin found she was extremely tired after her meeting with Magnolia, and despite it being only dusk she slept like a baby. She woke up as Reynold slowed the coach next to her inn. Erin blinked, looked around wildly, and realized she was home. Home. It was an […]
Interlude – The Antinium Wars (Pt.2)
June 26, 2017
The First Antinium War had raged for over four months after the initial assault and resistance of the Drake armies when the Antinium began to realize that the continent would not so easily be taken. The Black Tide had swept across Issrysil much as they had done on Rhir, but unlike the Blighted Kingdom, the […]