“I never knew Aldrail was like that.” The passing of Plainsblood and Captain Aldrail shook Admiral Maxy a different way. The half-Elf kept her eyes fixed on the ship behind her. She didn’t want to say it, but part of her thought less of him. That Gnoll had it all in his paws, and that […]
9.70 (Pt. 1)
It sounded like the falling rain. His heartbeat, that was. He could hear it as his rain-slicked hands worked, echoing from the tips of his fingers through his body. Rabbiteater’s heart drummed like the rain, a downpour that reminded him of the rapping beat of Calanfer’s drums during the procession. Fast and light. It sounded […]
9.69 H (Pt. 2)
December 6, 2023
“I’m meant to die, you know.” “Shush.” Ksmvr and Vofea were circumnavigating the entire maze from the outside, looking for a clue on how to find the other Horns—or just a less visibly trapped way in. He was moving deliberately, alert for traps. Vofea was more relaxed. Her hooves made a soft clicking sound on […]
9.69 H (Pt. 1)
(I am taking a break to get ready for the final chapter of the Solstice. I will begin working on the 14th, but I may give myself until the 19th of December to make sure the chapter is as good as it can be.) In the days leading up to the Solstice. During […]
November 28, 2023
(This chapter has a trigger warning for disturbing content. Click here for details. This is not a light warning.) [A trigger-free version of the chapter, edited to remove the bulk of the disturbing scenes and describe the events therein, is located here. The password is ‘traumaFree’ without apostrophes.] <A summary of the chapter has also […]
9.67 (Pt. 2)
November 26, 2023
“Serve me.” It was what Kasigna said again and again, and each time, they refused. Necromancers, masters of death no matter their form, stood before her. Not a single one knelt. “Who wakes me from my slumber? Have the Walled Cities died?” The Gnoll rasped in his coffin. His eyes were black, and he was […]
9.67 (Pt. 1)
[This chapter has been split into two parts for easier readability. Given the length, I caution you to pace yourself reading. However, I understand wanting to read through, so I have elected to post both parts at once. For your reference, this is 47,000 words long.] (Given the length of this chapter, I will skip […]
November 22, 2023
“When I was newly born, with my first breath, I sentenced my mother to death. For she had been the Goddess of Death, and to create new life was anathema. They called my home Theiygiles. My pantheon ruled across lands far stranger than these; I remember floating isles upon the deepest of seas. If mortals […]
November 19, 2023
<Book 11, The Titan of Baleros is out now.> [The Wandering Inn is running the annual survey. Consider filling it out here.] (We are selling a poster of the Winter’s Eve Solstice artwork. Link is here.) And then she woke up. It was pitch black when the young woman sat up […]
9.64 BH
October 28, 2023
<Book 11, The Titan of Baleros is out now!> One day before the Winter Solstice, now, and all the pieces were in a row. Did you see them? Were you even sitting at the board, or were you looking up and wondering if you could see the outlines of fingers against the sky? […]
October 24, 2023
The hour was coming, and they were still all moving towards their destination. Ships. People. Gods. Soldiers. The living and the dead, and the [Innkeeper] was counting, now, like a woman whispering numbers in a dark, swaying room, waiting for the door to open and a kind of reality to rush in. Sending messages out. […]
October 21, 2023
A [Witch of Second Chances] sat in her inn, and the night had settled early. It was barely 7, and the skies were dark; the Floodplains were draped in a cloth made of blackness. But fires lifted the darkness up, countless watchfires trying to defy the oppressive gloom and the shadows of the High Passes, […]
9.61 G
October 17, 2023
[MelasD is launching a Kickstarter for their book, Salvos! I am wishing them the best as one of the few authors I know! Check it out here!] Then, as he caught his breath and felt the world moving with his arms and legs, he understood how to make the very earth his fist. […]
October 15, 2023
[Selkie Myth, author of Beneath the Dragoneye Moons has made an amazing collab between the characters of Beware of Chicken, Salvos, Melas, The Wandering inn, and his own story to celebrate Inktober! I know all the authors and encourage you to check out their stories if you ever run out of The Wandering Inn or […]
Interlude – The Library
October 3, 2023
It might not look like much, a two-story mansion in Liscor. But that was because space was at a premium in a city like Liscor. Even with the new district, richness wasn’t just in having crystal-glass windows shining with magic like the Mage’s Guild. Richness was, as any city goer could tell you—space. The Watch […]
9.59 O
September 17, 2023
(I am on break until October 7th for Patreon readers! I will be finishing editing Gravesong 2, and I just need a slightly longer break. Thanks.) [Book 10 of The Wandering Inn, The Wind Runner, is out now! Get it here!] Rain was falling. Not snow, from those skies. Nor were they grey […]
9.58 O
September 12, 2023
[There will be official TWI Mugs available soon! For the next three weeks to celebrate the release of Book 10: The Wind Runner, Podium Audio is hosting an exclusive giveaway for a limited edition mug.] [When you win you can curl up on a chair in front of the fire with a mug full of […]
9.57 B
September 9, 2023
[The site needs a part-time webmaster. Experience with WordPress is a plus but not mandatory. If you’re interested, please send a resume via email to [email protected]. Application period ends 22nd of September, 2023.] Ballista. Based on the root Latin word of ballein, or ‘to throw’, at least on Earth. A huge, crossbow-shaped weapon […]
September 5, 2023
(Trigger Warning: See the link here for details.) [We have a new shirt featuring the Horns of Hammerad on the merch store! Check it out here!] After Christmas, there were six days until the Solstice. Whether you were counting on that exact date or not, there was an anticipation to this long […]
9.55 (Pt. 2)
August 30, 2023
[We have a new shirt featuring the Horns of Hammerad on the merch store! Check it out here!] It was possibly the longest day in the history of ever, this Christmas. It was barely 3 PM, and it felt, to some, like an entire week had passed. That was because—while the adults had […]
9.55 (Pt. 1)
[I am taking a 1-update hiatus purely because this chapter is 70-80,000 words long. It’s in two parts; read the Author’s Note at the end for details. I worked hard, so I rest…hard? Something like that.] (The Wind Runner, Book 10 of The Wandering Inn, is now available for pre-order on Audible and Kindle! The […]
9.54 C
July 16, 2023
[I am on break to finish writing Gravesong, Book 2! And for my usual break. I will be back hopefully mid-August. See Author’s Note for details.] (My friend Quill has released a new book: The Novice, Book 1 of the Firebrand series! Check it out here!) https://www.amazon.com/Firebrand-Novice-Adventure-D-Olesen-ebook/dp/B0BVC83PV7/ (Martel has only one […]
July 12, 2023
Here was the question, as Wall Lord Ilvriss dodged a chamberpot. They were raining down from Invrisil’s houses, and people were taking pot-shots from the balconies. “Go back to the south, Drakes!” “Eat shit, Wall Lord!” Their aim wasn’t the best in most cases, but there was always someone with a throwing Skill. Ilvriss was […]
July 9, 2023
Look and see. He blamed her for this, gave her credit for this even if she was not the catalyst. At this point, it was easier to say ‘Erin Solstice did it’. Otherwise, you’d simply have to admit the world could be magical, and you had no excuse for not seeking it out. In the […]
9.51 Z
July 4, 2023
“Ancestors, it was all ever for me. I did it all for none but I. Lift me not upon your wings. If you raise your tails, be it only to your back. My sins were always only mine. Ancestors, look down on all the grief I’ve ever brought, the fire I breathed. It was always […]