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Griefman (Pt. 2)

September 14, 2024

Chapter 4 Roy Mackendal did not attend the weekly meeting of World Pact that Wednesday. His absence was noted by Aerthe. It was her turn to present the news, and they had exactly one item on the docket she gauged worthy of World Pact’s attention. She stood as the other heroes filed in, glancing around, […]


June 8, 2024

(The Witch of Webs, Book 12 of The Wandering Inn, will be out on the June 11th for audio and e-book! It’s taken a long time, but I have rewritten the [Witch] arc to be a lot stronger hopefully! Look forwards to it soon!)   Click here to enable a secret in the […]


May 11, 2024

Seats. The seat they offered Lyonette in The Adventurer’s Waystation, one of Invrisil’s best restaurants, was an exclusive booth in a private room. Not pristine; it had well-worn leather. But leather without cracks and with a strangely pale-yellow color. Lightning Wyvern leather; it actually had the opposite effect you might expect. Instead of generating static […]

10.11 H

April 13, 2024

(I am on vacation in another country! I will be taking my break early and have a chapter on the 27th for you!)     Did you know what the Claiven Earth reminded Ceria Springwalker, a half-Elf, of? Not home, that was certain. Hah! She walked through the balmy forest underneath vast trees grown in […]

10.00 L

February 4, 2024

Snow was still billowing down like great, thick blankets of white fabric draping themselves over Liscor. A final white sheet for the winter; a lie from the skies. After all—the days after would not be so snowy. The final month of winter, the sixteenth and last month of the year, was a battle between the […]


October 21, 2023

A [Witch of Second Chances] sat in her inn, and the night had settled early. It was barely 7, and the skies were dark; the Floodplains were draped in a cloth made of blackness. But fires lifted the darkness up, countless watchfires trying to defy the oppressive gloom and the shadows of the High Passes, […]

9.59 O

September 17, 2023

(I am on break until October 7th for Patreon readers! I will be finishing editing Gravesong 2, and I just need a slightly longer break. Thanks.) [Book 10 of The Wandering Inn, The Wind Runner, is out now! Get it here!]     Rain was falling. Not snow, from those skies. Nor were they grey […]

Interlude – Luan the Giant

June 8, 2021

Sentry Leader Ekrn marched through the halls of his village, ignoring the fact that he was tracking mud, blood, and debris across rich carpets or the spotless floors. His…village. Not how he would have referred to it; Paeth, or Paeth’s Tree by the Coast if you wanted the full, pretentious name, was a nation unto […]

Interlude – Talia

November 30, 2019

The roads of Izril were not made of stone. In most places, they were dirt, packed and worn smooth by travel, but prey to the elements. It was a sign that Izril had not yet been fully developed. Far from it. While the Drakes and Gnolls occupied most of southern Izril, the Humans who had […]

6.04 D

April 2, 2019

Night was falling on Baleros. The jungles, always filled with life and motion, died down somewhat as a calmer, cooler atmosphere swept through the continent. Baleros, the continent of war and riches, grew quieter. But no less alive. And in the break in the jungles, in an open haven of space where the green gave […]


November 10, 2018

Ordinarily, on any other day, Erin would have been thrilled to have an inn full of guests. However, today just wasn’t that kind of day. She was tired, upset, ashamed of herself, and currently understaffed. Erin rushed from table to table with drinks as Drassi, Ishkr, and Lyonette all did the same. She was relieved […]

5.10 E

August 11, 2018

“Ressa, how do you suppose an evil tyrant laughs?” “I have no idea, milady.” Magnolia frowned mildly as she sat on her pink couch, nibbling at a jam tart. “It’s just that I’d like to be as authentic as possible. If I’m truly a—what did that girl call me? A ‘cold-hearted tyrannical bitch’, I might […]

4.35 E

May 15, 2018

Day 72   In this world, the main method of transportation between settlements is with wagons. True, you could argue that Runners and magic play their own roles, but the price for such deliveries is usually out of reach for the common villager. They might be able to afford a letter in a bulk delivery […]

3.29 G

October 31, 2017

The mountain was silent when Garen found Tremborag. The Hobgoblin had to pass by patrols of warriors who moved in grim silence, weapons drawn and ready for a fight. But their attentiveness was in vain. The battle was long over. It had been over before Garen had been awoken, and what he was seeing now […]


July 8, 2017

She was a [Princess]. She was royalty. She was heir to one of the glorious kingdoms of Terrandria, and she had seen more in her eighteen years of life than most commoners could hope of glimpsing in their entire lives. And she understood people. People were dreary, dull, and most had small ambitions and smaller […]

2.36 G

June 14, 2017

She was not prepared for this. For any of it. That was the first thing Rags realized the day after she became leader of not only the Red Fang Tribe, but all of the allied and subservient tribes under Garen’s control. She was not ready to lead such a host. She knew it, and he […]

2.14 G

April 16, 2017

Rags wondered if today was the day she would die. It seemed like she asked herself that question every day. But never did she wonder if she was being paranoid. Because someday she would die. The only question was: was it now? The young Goblin didn’t know. She only knew that if her death was […]

1.19 R

March 3, 2017

The wind blows through my hair as the sun rises. Past the mountain range they call the High Passes, which divides Izril in half, a fierce breeze blows north, and I wonder if it’s come all the way down from those peaks hidden among the clouds. It blows down past the screaming Goblins trying to […]