Vote on the Winner for The Wandering Inn Inktober Challenge 2023! – The Wandering Inn

Vote on the Winner for The Wandering Inn Inktober Challenge 2023!

Hey folks! I’m the [Liscor Public Relations Manager]! I manage the Innverse social media (when you receive a response from “The Wandering Inn” on Instagram, that’s me). I also manage some of the fun events like this one.

What fun event is this? This year The Wandering Inn hosted an Inktober Challenge, with all TWI related prompts. Inktober encourages people to draw something every day for the month of October. The reader’s choice winner of the TWI Inktober2023 Challenge was promised Honor and Glory. (For the complete background, click here).

Congratulations to everyone who participated in the TWI Challenge on Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, Bluesky, and Facebook (do we need to add VR Art next year?)! This was on top of the event happening on Discord! All of the artists are amazing for making each TWI community a little brighter this Solstice. All of the readers are amazing for supporting these artists.

pirateaba will feature more art in time, but for now… A winner for the Challenge was promised. A winner picked by readers. In a poll. This is the poll.


First the art! These five were picked by the TWI Team as the Official Finalists.

Scroll through them and then vote in the poll at the bottom.



The Five Finalists

Leader of Baleros by Deepsikk

Leader of Baleros

Artist: DeepSikk



Magic of Ijvani

Artist: reliaofdreams



Artist: jamcubi


Vampire by w.ithering_w.illows


Artist: w.ithering_w.illows


Innkeeper by onionlittle


Artist: onionlittle


Now become the consequences and vote in the poll!

Choose your favorite piece of art. The artist with the most votes will win glory and bragging rights for an entire year. Or more?

Thanks for voting!


The Poll

[poll id=”3″]


A few special mentions:

Recaptured Lime for their Bluesky entries. Thank you for exploring new worlds with The Wandering Inn.

GridCube for their constant unique takes on the prompts.

A toast of rxvln to Guy Beanie for their daily Inktober art. They continue the lesson of Inktober with daily sketches and have an enjoyable journey to follow as they show that with “a little practice anyone can git gud at drawing.”

Enough for now. Enjoy the look back.

The poll will close in 7 days!



A Note From pirateaba

To everyone who participated in this event, from our [Liscor Public Relations Manager] to the artists, thank you for adding something to the story during Inktober. I’ll try to feature all your art in time but you deserve tons of applause for your hard work. Thank you again for reading and being so passionate about The Wandering Inn that you made something that shows part of the world through your eyes.


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