Of the many wonders of the world, the isle of Wistram and the academy of mages which rests upon it is not, in fact, one of the greatest. It is not the oldest relic of the past, not by far. The tall, dark citadel of stone does not shine with the colors of a thousand […]
Interlude – Wistram Days (Pt. 4)
November 12, 2017
Wistram was a world unto itself, with a different set of rules, a different kind of people. And yes, Ceria thought to herself as she cautiously opened her door, a different sense of time. This early in the morning the hallway was empty. Seemingly empty. But Ceria knew better than to step out incautiously. She […]
Interlude – Wistram Days (Pt. 3)
November 11, 2017
The stone halls were dark at night in Wistram. True, the mage-lights provided decent illumination, but the magics that controlled them dimmed the intensity of light that each floating orb of light or eternally burning torch gave off. Many mages didn’t care to wander outside of the thick walls that made up the citadel that […]
Interlude – Wistram Days (Pt. 2)
November 10, 2017
Where did the magic come from? It came from the air around her, the hard wooden desk she sat at, and herself. It flowed through her blood, ran through her hair—it was in her. Ceria reached into her inner self and found magic there. With each breath she took, with each pump of her heart, […]
Interlude – Wistram Days (Pt. 1)
November 9, 2017
“You have been accepted to Wistram Academy. Present yourself on the docks in South Harbor, Belan, Terandria two weeks from now. Do not be late.” Ceria Springwalker still remembered the words the examiner had spoken to her. And now here she sat, on the salt-crusted docks in South Harbor, in the city of Belan, […]
3.31 G
November 7, 2017
This is what she heard in the silence of the night. [Tactician Level 16!] [Conditions Met: Leader → Chieftain Class!] [Chieftain Level 15!] [Class Consolidation: Scavenger removed.] [Class Consolidation: Tinkerer removed.] [Skill – Tribe: Fleet Foot obtained!] [Skill – Lesser Tinkering obtained!] It was like thunder in her mind. The words thundered in […]
November 4, 2017
Some days Erin woke up with a smile on her face. She yawned, sat up, and felt the quiet of the morning wash over her. It wasn’t like how she lived back on Earth, back home. There Erin needed alarm clocks to get up, and the instant she was awake she had a phone to […]
3.29 G
October 31, 2017
The mountain was silent when Garen found Tremborag. The Hobgoblin had to pass by patrols of warriors who moved in grim silence, weapons drawn and ready for a fight. But their attentiveness was in vain. The battle was long over. It had been over before Garen had been awoken, and what he was seeing now […]
3.28 G
October 28, 2017
Sometimes, in the silence of her own mind, Rags knew why her kind was so despised across the world. Privately, she could acknowledge the bitter truth. Goblins were weak. They didn’t level as much as other races—because they were cowards, too. They lived hand-to-mouth, eating their own dead, fighting each other over scraps. The strongest […]
3.27 M
October 26, 2017
When she woke up, it was like any ordinary day. But Mrsha knew it was special because she could smell the crepes. She liked crepes. They were hot and chewy, and sometimes burned when Lyonette made them. Other times they were still runny, but they were always good because they came with honey. The small […]
3.26 G
October 24, 2017
When he was young, he had always dreamed of walking among other races. But now all he dreamed about was death and fire. The Goblin King burned city after city to the ground, damning the screaming inhabitants by death and fire. Across the ocean, his Goblin Lords led similar crusades, pillaging, slaughtering. There was only […]
October 21, 2017
That night, Erin had a nightmare. It started, as nightmares sometimes do, happily. Erin was dreaming she was back in her inn, with Mrsha and Selys and even Lyonette. She was watching Ryoka put on a play of Hamlet and chasing Lyonette around with a sword, trying to kill her because she was a [Princess]. […]
October 17, 2017
When the Horns of Hammerad left the city of Remendia, it was, predictably, to a huge fanfare and celebration by the crowds lining the street. At this point, the four adventurers so highly lauded were well and truly sick of the entire affair. “It’s not even as if there’s anything to cheer about. We’re leaving.” […]
3.23 L
October 14, 2017
When Lyonette woke up in her bed and felt the winter daylight on her face, she smiled up at the ceiling, so widely she thought her lips would break. She’d gained two classes. Two. And she’d leveled up! Part of Lyon had been afraid that it was all a dream. But the voice in her […]
3.22 L
October 10, 2017
Sometimes it bothered him, the way others treated his kind. Pawn knew there was history behind the stares and frightened looks. And he understood that the Antinium looked…different, even from other species. But even so, it hurt a bit. And Selys knew him! She was hardly a stranger to the Antinium. Was there really that […]
3.21 L
October 7, 2017
Pawn stared at the ranks of Soldiers under his command and realized that he’d made a mistake. Somewhere. He’d definitely made one a while back, when he’d brought the idea of Gods into the Hive of the Free Antinium in Liscor. That had been a mistake—or at least, telling the Soldiers had been. Hadn’t it? […]
3.20 T
October 3, 2017
This is the story of a monster. She knew she was a monster. She’d eaten people. Her own kind, rotting, crawling with insects and maggots and decay. She’d done it to survive. But the cost had been almost too much to bear. More than once, the young woman who’d once had a name wished she […]
3.19 T
September 30, 2017
Esthelm. City of the damned and dead. That was how it felt sometimes. Of course, there were thousands of people still living inside of it, but for many, their miserable, desperate existence was just a prelude to death and worse. Their home was in ruins, and their city was slowly filling with the undead. It […]
3.18 T
September 28, 2017
This is a story of a skeleton. His name was Toren, and it was the one thing he had never questioned about himself. Erin had given him that name, and that at least he was grateful to her for. But in the place he walked, no one would know his name. In fact, they wouldn’t […]
3.17 T
September 27, 2017
This is the story of a skeleton named Toren. He lay on his back, staring at the grey sky. He was a skeleton. This fact was readily apparent to him and anyone who saw him. He was a skeleton. And he was free. That was all Toren knew. All he understood, really. There had been […]
September 26, 2017
She wished she had an iPod. That’s what Erin thought when she woke up in her small bed on the second floor of Miss Agnes’ inn. It was probably because she’d made the mistake of thinking about home yesterday. Ryoka had her iPhone. She’d kept it even though she’d gone to a whole new world. […]
September 23, 2017
Erin Solstice carefully flipped a fish on the frying pan she was holding over the fire. She watched the one golden-brown side of the fish turn over and land neatly on the oily surface of the pan. Instantly, the uncooked side began to sizzle. “Mm. Fish.” That was all she said for a while. There […]
September 19, 2017
I think I have a concussion. The world is spinning and I want to puke. Then again, maybe that’s just how being thrown across a room by an explosion always feels. I don’t know. I haven’t had much experience with that up until now. And I hope it never happens again. “Ah.” I try to […]
September 16, 2017
Maybe it’s the wine talking, but I don’t think Reynold the [Butler]’s such a bad guy. I mean, sure, he’s a bit uptight and he’s in the employ of a woman who might soon kill or torture me, but Reynold? He’s got class. It’s probably the alcohol. But in my defense, I’ve downed over half […]
3.12 E
September 12, 2017
What do I do? I’m no hero. I’m not even qualified to be a police officer, doctor, an emergency worker, or any job that requires sight. And I’ve never been trained. I have no idea what to do. So panic grips me as I stumble across the snowy ground, knees still shaking from the avalanche. […]