Editor Announcement – The Wandering Inn

Editor Announcement

I am hiring paid editors in the following contest. If you’re an editor with about a week to spare, with professional experience, you can edit a single chapter of The Wandering Inn. Which is 20,000 or 30,000 words.


Summary: I’m pirateaba and I write a web serial releasing chapters twice a week. I write live on Twitch, and then release the chapter on Patreon with minimal revision because of how fast the web serial schedule is. I’d like to see if I can work with an editor and have someone come in, swing the editorial wrench or whatever you use, and make it better than I can do alone. After five days of full manuscript editing of the chapter and editorial letter, I’ll rewrite it with your notes.

Offer: I’m asking for fast work—5 days—and an unfamiliar chapter you won’t have context for since the entire story is 7+ million words at this point. So the chosen editors will be paid $5,000 USD for the project, or $0.25 per word (whichever is greater; $5,000 is 20,000 words, but I am almost certain to pass that).


How to Apply: Submit by July 1 2021, to [email protected] with a copy of:

1. Bio/cv of books you have worked on, and any interesting qualifications you have;

2. A sample editorial letter/manuscript edits; and

3. A short statement on your editing philosophy.


Winner Selection: I will make my decision by August 1, 2021. If I find editors that are a good fit we will arrange a date to work together, with the first date planned for September 2021.


1st Chapter – March 6, 2021

For the March 6th chapter Rebecca Brewer (formerly of Ace/Roc and Penguin, editor of Guy Gavriel Kay, S. M. Sterling and many others) is going to provide a full edit of the chapter within the week of its release. I will be posting copies of her editorial letter and changes for those who are interested in what a professional quality editor looks like.

2nd Edited Chapter – June

In June for a chapter, Diana Gill (formerly of Tor, Ace, Harper Voyager editor of Charlaine Harris, Mark Lawrence and many others) is going to provide a full edit of the chapter within the week of its release. I will be posting copies of her editorial letter and changes for those who are interested in what a professional quality editor looks like.